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Tag Archives: spinning

It’s all about spinning!

About two years ago I went to a class to learn to spin. It was three nights and we learned to handle the drop spindle and a spinning wheel. I didn’t get any good at it so I didn’t keep doing it.

My very first hand spun on a drop spindle, spun in 2009.
I don’t know how many times the spindle hit the floor but it was many…

My first spun and plied. I made this in the spinning class I took, spun in 2009.

This summer I met an awesome girl from New Hampshire and she filled me with spinning information and knowledge. Now, I can’t get enough of it! I’ve carded and spun Icelandic wool that I got from a friend as well as Icelandic wool I got from Þingborg, a wool collective here in Iceland. I’ve also spun merino wool and I plan on doing more of that as well the Icelandic wool.

Spun and plied Icelandic wool. Spun on a spinning wheel, August 2011.

Spun merino wool from Handspinner. Spun on a spinning wheel, August 2011.

The last hours of 2009…

I am going to spend today knitting! The last day of 2009 has arrived, isn’t that amazing?! Time has flown away so fast!!

New Year’s resolution? YES! I am going to knit more, hand dye more and design more!

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU! Look forward to a new year full of yarn, spinning, knitting dyeing and getting inspiration.

I think 2010 is going to be a great year!

Spinning !

I am learning to spin!  I’m on a course in an association of crafts (kind of difficult to explain in english…).  There I am learning to spin on a drop spindle (that was last week) and next to times we will learn to spin on a spinning wheel.

The result of the first lession is this:

Hanspun and plied!
Wool from Þingborg.

First, I spun the dark wool. It was uneven and “a bit” twisty at times but hey, It was the second time I’ve ever touched a drop spindle ;)  Then I spun the light grey-ish thread and then I plied these to together and guess what! It didn’t turn out so bad! Most of the twist justed dissapeared. I might just knit something out of it… :Þ

On the needles I have green/blue Blaka from the booklet Einband:

Pattern: Blaka by Védís Jónsdóttir
Needles: 4.5 mm. KnitPro
Yarn: Ístex Einband no. 1761